Climed em Luanda




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Segundaaberto 24 horas
Terçaaberto 24 horas
Quartaaberto 24 horas
Quintaaberto 24 horas
Sextaaberto 24 horas
Sábadoaberto 24 horas
Domingoaberto 24 horas
65, Alameda do Príncipe Real, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 222 443 586
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8103933, Longitude: 13.2493879

comentários 5

  • Aida Maryleid Dos Santos Trigueiros

    Aida Maryleid Dos Santos Trigueiros


    Sorry for the embarrassment caused previously, but I am already disappointed with the person in question, the fact that I witnessed things and attitudes of the same towards others (patient and staff) left me perplexed. Keep doing what you do best.

  • Wadilk Mawethe

    Wadilk Mawethe


    The people who work at the reception, are always with their faces locked and on the phone to give information as an exam, they go around a lot, getting to the point of telling me that I had to go there to find out. Doctors and nurses are impeccable.

  • Tulio Jacinto

    Tulio Jacinto


    Great doctors.

  • Nelson Reis

    Nelson Reis


    Well-located clinic, with excellent health professionals, wide range of services and specialties, very clean. Recommended!

  • Eva Mateus

    Eva Mateus


    “CLIMED-HEALTH SERVICE; Well-located clinic, excellent service (Reception, nursing and office), good professionals in different areas and branches of Health, Excellent services, place where: "Happiness and health are incompatible;

Hospital mais próximo

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