Arreiou Coqueiros em Luanda

AngolaArreiou Coqueiros



🕗 horário

43a, Rua Rainha Ginga, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8119812, Longitude: 13.2274322

comentários 5

  • Patrick Leandro Barbosa

    Patrick Leandro Barbosa


    Despite having what people need and affordable prices, service is slow due to the small number of employees at the cash register.

  • Emmanuel Ismman

    Emmanuel Ismman


    It's in a strategic point with no opponent super or hypermarkets. It supplies essential dairy goods. There's a bakery inside. What people don't like here is the slow assistance. They have to employ more assistants. And also remove the street boys from the entrance.

  • Gilberto Américo de Castro Designer gráfico

    Gilberto Américo de Castro Designer gráfico


    Unfortunately, I didn't like the service method, besides being slow. Most of the time, only a cashier or two are available. And there are lots of queues. Even buying bread is very critical 😏😑😑😑.

  • Jacira Florinho

    Jacira Florinho


    Lots of flooding, slow and disorganized service

  • Fátima Santos

    Fátima Santos


    Good evening, I like the prices of affordable products, but I've already bought oat flakes, the canned ones at Arreiou in São Paulo, they're not in good condition. It doesn't look good, and regarding the service at the cash register, there is never any change, there are huge queues because only one cashier is left to serve some slow employees and it is unfortunately like that, thank you

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