Banco Yetu em Luanda

AngolaBanco Yetu



🕗 horário

Rua Frederico Welwitsch, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 227 282 000
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8182375, Longitude: 13.2429123

comentários 5

  • Larielson Flay

    Larielson Flay


    Please, I have already subscribed to the Spress multicaixa service a month ago. But until today I haven't been answered I want to know why

  • Leonela Assis de Almeida

    Leonela Assis de Almeida


    I was seen at one of your branches and really enjoyed the service, respect, clarity, young staff and humility. It is a new bank and I believe they are doing well and will grow a lot. Just because of the service, it made me want to work at bancoyetu. Congratulations, you are on a good journey.

  • Elísio Domingos

    Elísio Domingos



  • Teresa Chimuco

    Teresa Chimuco


    Excellent customer service, no long lines but efficient, effective, fast and helpful customer service. Can't deny but the rates are pretty good as well. The environment is extremely pleasant, tea and water offered while I wait to be served.

  • Orlando Almeida

    Orlando Almeida


    I am out of the country, please, I traveled on the 29th of last month, do you have a Transfer Order for my Portugal Banco Millennium Account so far, no parquet?

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