Grande Hotel do Uíge i Uige

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AngolaGrande Hotel do Uíge


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Uige, Angola
kontakter telefon: +244
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Latitude: -7.6136688, Longitude: 15.053019

kommentar 5

  • Pedro Brito

    Pedro Brito


    The suites are nice with everything running smoothly. All was clean and the bedding is good quality. Breakfast is international with good variety and some local fruits. The staff is very attentive. I had some problems with the payment, because the ATM was not working due to network problems and there was no money in any ATM in town... it's Africa! So... it is best to have cash with you. The choice of hotels in Uige is not very wide but this hotel is definitely a good option. Room Tip: Choose a suite, they are separated from the main building and further away from the street.

  • romis hudda

    romis hudda


    Nice hotel but small swimming pool, for swimming pool go to mowete

  • José Guedes

    José Guedes


    New rebuilt, they're growing up

  • Adilson Varela

    Adilson Varela



  • en

    Pedro Cubi


    Used to be a great hotel, now it's on a downhill

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