Hospital municipal de Caala em Caala

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaHospital municipal de Caala


informação não

🕗 horário

Angola, Caala, Unnamed Road
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -12.8530368, Longitude: 15.5517076

comentários 3

  • John Josy

    John Josy


    The service is not the best and there is a lack of medication in the hospital, patients have to make do in order to solve their health problem.

  • Francisco Patrício Neuer

    Francisco Patrício Neuer


    The meals given by patients are regrettable, the hygiene itself is also not good. Honestly, the government has to take great care of this hospital, the conditions that the interior of this place offers are regrettable, looking from the outside it is a top place, but going inside the facilities, my God!... It leaves a lot to be desired, to be honest, I don't know what the government's attention has been towards this hospital, but I ask for God's sake that the legal bodies would visit this hospital. Firstly, the services are terrible, the meals they give to patients are not even good for a house dog, the medicines are always not available 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. But I don't know what the services of public goods inspectors have been like, so people who work to inspect public services, what have they actually done? Because we don't accept people who are paid for inspections and don't realize the regrettable situation that is happening in this hospital. Please Your Excellency, whoever sees this criticism, don't look down as if nothing is happening, try to improve the conditions in this place, after knowing that the conditions influence the improvement of a patient.

  • WorkSpace Beats

    WorkSpace Beats


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