iu Hotel Namibe i Namibe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Angolaiu Hotel Namibe



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Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, Namibe, Namibe, AO Angola
kontakter telefon: +244 921 262 222
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -15.190825, Longitude: 12.1513402

kommentar 5

  • Balage Forenji

    Balage Forenji


    Simple, new, well located but already falling apart. The cardkey system doesnt work so everytime you want to enter your room someone from reception has to walk up to the room to open the door for you. No generator, so you'll spends hours without electricity, and you'll waste many many cubic meters of water until hot waters comes thru the tap. Not going back until they fix the cardkey situation, all the other stuff I can put up with.

  • Rafael Mignoni

    Rafael Mignoni


    Well located hotel. Deslinde having no wi-fi the rooms have adequate conditions. The breakfast is good with a good variety of products. The hot water worked only after a few minutes of running water with the shower activated in the hot function.

  • Chris Berry

    Chris Berry


    AC in the room was broken. Odd smell in the bathroom. Food was marginal at best.

  • Nuno Certo

    Nuno Certo


    Good place to sleep, nice rooms and good breakfast

  • Brad Ebersey

    Brad Ebersey


    Below average hotel. The restaurant downstairs needs a manager or supervisor in charge, in order to ensure smooth running of the restaurant. 95% of the meals that are stipulated on the menu are unavailable, due to a shortage of certain food products.

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