Le Chalet em Lubango

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

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AngolaLe Chalet



🕗 horário

Estrada da Tundavala, Lubango, Lubango, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 931 915 544
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -14.8687082, Longitude: 13.4546899

comentários 5

  • Helio Jorge Boy

    Helio Jorge Boy


    Great place. The ambiance is perfect. It blends perfectly with the nature surrounding the place. You can see squirrels running around as you are eating your food. Great for snacks and light meals. The yoghurt milkshake is delicious

  • Allen Tullett

    Allen Tullett


    Fantastic little place, great for a tea, coffee, or juice along with food. Surrounded by trees it's a lovely spot.

  • Bob Hay

    Bob Hay


    Le Chalet was an unexpected oasis in the rugged beauty of Huila in Angola. The meal was lovely, and the after-meal coffee was superb.

  • Shaloome



    Loved it. Clean. Peaceful. Quiet. Beautiful. We will definitely come back . The service was good. Food was delicious and it has a beautiful view of the mountain. Bathroom are clean clean.

  • Chun Siong Cheong

    Chun Siong Cheong


    This place is a definitely a must for a stopover to get a good view of the famous winding road, Serra da Lena, cutting through the hill. After taking photographs of the scenic road, you can walk across to this small cafe to get a good bite of food or coffee.

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