Liopa Restaurante em Lubango

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

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AngolaLiopa Restaurante


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🕗 horário

Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, Lubango, Lubango, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -14.9266293, Longitude: 13.5549331

comentários 5

  • Pfluger Barreto

    Pfluger Barreto


    Restaurant with an excellent price-quality ratio. The food is well made and tasty. There is live music on the weekends. Cleaning leaves a lot to be desired and flies in the glass are not uncommon.

  • V ́S Victoriano ́smor

    V ́S Victoriano ́smor


    I liked the service, good place!

  • David Salvador

    David Salvador


    Without a doubt, the best restaurant in the city of Moçâmedes: welcome, cuisine, scenic view, hygiene, etc. .

  • Sealtiel Garcia

    Sealtiel Garcia


    I enjoyed being there, I was even greeted by a fly in the glass 😅🤣. But I liked it, I recommend it.

  • Marcello Mont' Serrat

    Marcello Mont' Serrat


    I already had another experience at this place and it was pleasant, hence the 3 stars, because if it were for this second time it would be one star and look. The food at the time was good, but this second time, there was only one waiter, there was no menu and the wait was almost 25 minutes for the dish of the day AND almost an hour for a simple barbecue. We left without eating. The administration shouldn't let the ball fall, the place is very good, that's why there is always a public and knowing this, the service should always be first.

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