Praia da Onça em Belas

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaPraia da Onça



🕗 horário

Segundaaberto 24 horas
Terçaaberto 24 horas
Quartaaberto 24 horas
Quintaaberto 24 horas
Sextaaberto 24 horas
Sábadoaberto 24 horas
Domingoaberto 24 horas
Q33R+HW4, Belas, Angola
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -9.2461033, Longitude: 13.0923434

comentários 5

  • Hilderico Coutinho

    Hilderico Coutinho


    A fishing place with a very calm and friendly community. Very beautiful surroundings. Too bad the water is a little murky as it is close to Foz do Kwanza

  • Fernando Arnout

    Fernando Arnout


    Beautiful beach, with a small local fishing village. I recommend getting to know

  • Miguel Monteiro

    Miguel Monteiro


    Good place to buy fish from fishermen when they arrive from the sea

  • Patricia Aline

    Patricia Aline


    best place to buy fish peopleeeeeee it's a lot of fish. there is croaker, sole, grouper, valafatr, prawns. And what I liked the most was the price. they sell by the kilo and the kilos vary from 800 to 1200. But you need to arrive early to buy on the boats, at least until 10am

  • alexandra valente

    alexandra valente


    Very good for adventures surfer's. Is good for camping on the beach. You just need have a tent!

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Área Administrativa Nível 2


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