Restaurant Saquita em Huambo

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaRestaurant Saquita



🕗 horário

6QR3+CCP, Huambo, Angola
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -12.7589026, Longitude: 15.7535897

comentários 5

  • Paulo Manuel

    Paulo Manuel



  • Francisco Patrício Neuer

    Francisco Patrício Neuer


    Well, first of all I would like to greet everyone according to the current time. It should be noted that I was very grateful for the way I was attended to and served. The meals are good, they have a very efficient and effective service team, they are very respectful and understandable people, I just went to see the place and I was delighted with the atmosphere I found!

  • Nuno Moreira

    Nuno Moreira


    They have a good environment but need to train their employees more. The options in the letter are not enforced. They serve excellent gin.

  • Edgar Luis

    Edgar Luis


    Great place to spend time with friends, or even alone, well located and with good service. However, I have to highlight the delay in some requests, nothing that cannot be improved. Affordable prices, worth visiting.

  • Alex Dos santos

    Alex Dos santos


    4 Stars 🌟, nice place to visit and eat good food.

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