Banco Millennium Atlântico em Cabinda

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

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AngolaBanco Millennium Atlântico



🕗 horário

Bairro Deolinda Rodrigues, Rua Comendador Henriques Serrano, Cabinda, Cabinda, Angola
contactos telefone: +244 923 168 168
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -5.5570055, Longitude: 12.1944879

comentários 2

  • josias kua

    josias kua


    I did not like the service at this counter, which was not very agile, and they left people for a long time, too much attention in phone calls.

  • João Cláudio Macosso

    João Cláudio Macosso


    The largest regional museum in Cabinda, it's a shame that it doesn't really represent the culture of Cabinda well, and there are many cultural practices of Cabinda that you will probably have to go to other places or people to understand because the museum is quite poor that you even leave there how you came in. The other problem, as is common in most public places in Angola, are the trakatraka "I define this as the act of any employee inventing their rules" the receptionist there say that taking photos is not allowed, which is really stupid, how is it possible not allowing photos to be taken in a Museum and not even if there is any writing that confirms this, I simply ignored the statement because it is just an oral statement and when it is a law there must be a written statement and justification of the same law.

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