Clínica Naturmed em Luanda

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaClínica Naturmed



🕗 horário

Segundaaberto 24 horas
Terçaaberto 24 horas
Quartaaberto 24 horas
Quintaaberto 24 horas
Sextaaberto 24 horas
Sábadoaberto 24 horas
Domingoaberto 24 horas
Rua 11 de Novembro, Luanda, Viana, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 924 415 433
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.9263571, Longitude: 13.361356

comentários 5

  • M Zacarias

    M Zacarias


    I have serious problems with efficiency, speed because I am a perfectionist. You spend money on advertising everywhere but you seem to have problems with demand. The world is dynamic, you need to have someone 100% answering your cell phones, it seems that you use personal phones to do business, you don't even answer your WhatsApp, they say they have deliveries to the customer, but as happens in this real world, not one of ghosts. Either they are or they are not

  • Egidio Ferreira

    Egidio Ferreira


    The service is very poor and there is a lack of transparency and honesty towards patients, they receive patients without the doctor being on the premises, it is a shame that the employees ruin the image of the institution

  • lucoki gabriel

    lucoki gabriel


    Not bad reasonable service

  • Kalumbamba, Lda

    Kalumbamba, Lda


    It's good but the service is very slow.

  • Maslova Magina (Majô)

    Maslova Magina (Majô)


    Quality of service provided

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