Complexo Isabel Matuca em Saurimo

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

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AngolaComplexo Isabel Matuca


informação não

🕗 horário

Rua da Piscina, bairro Agostinho Neto, 89XR+FPG, Saurimo, Angola
contactos telefone: +244
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -9.6513194, Longitude: 20.3918178

comentários 5

  • vinod kumar

    vinod kumar


    Not organized. Water problem every time. No one is there to attend you. Once they receive money rent, after that they don't do any maintenance in the house.

  • Piyush Dadhich

    Piyush Dadhich


    Nice place

  • Valdskov Dream

    Valdskov Dream


    Very beautiful place, but left abandoned, tourist village made with families and delegations in mind. But the poor condition of many homes is that they suffer greatly. Doors without locks, houses without TVs, stoves, and hot water in showers. WC'S without light bulbs. Insects scattered in the corners of the house. It was sad to see what I saw. That's why I leave just one star. Forgive me if I was too deep.

  • Alexandre Guerra

    Alexandre Guerra


    The place is poorly maintained. It would have everything to be a good condominium, but it is poorly managed.

  • Nogueira Rodrigues

    Nogueira Rodrigues


    I don't like it at all, much more, the lights are always out, the generators don't do their job, the service doesn't exist, I don't recommend it.

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