Consultório Peandra em Luanda

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaConsultório Peandra



🕗 horário

3, Rua Joaquim Kapango, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 226 426 262
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8198688, Longitude: 13.236959

comentários 4

  • Carmen & Nicolas Pariset

    Carmen & Nicolas Pariset


  • Edviges Jesus

    Edviges Jesus


  • Luis Barros

    Luis Barros


  • Bruna Cirilo

    Bruna Cirilo


    At the beginning of March I booked my baby's 1st year vaccinations. Appointment made for April 16th, the date on which I was told I would receive the vaccines. A week before the 16th, I was careful to call the clinic to confirm the appointment, as it was very difficult to find the 12-month vaccines. The day before the vaccination I received a message from the clinic confirming the vaccine appointment. On the 16th I went to the Clinic with my baby, I took the day off work exactly to be able to get vaccinated and the workers simply looked at me with disregard and told me that they didn't have the vaccines, what's worse they even said that the appointment wasn't made (for try to shift the blame onto me), which was impossible because I saved the message and had all the calls I made to confirm the appointment in the history. In short, it was terrible service, they treated us like we were crazy and didn't even bother to try to reschedule or anything like that. Honestly, they just wanted to get rid of us.

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