Doce Requinte em Benguela

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados




AngolaDoce Requinte



🕗 horário

CC94+992, Benguela, Angola
contactos telefone: +244 923 637 462
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -12.5816024, Longitude: 13.4058925

comentários 5

  • Tadeu Mendonça

    Tadeu Mendonça


    Great place to be. Nice food and service. My favourite food over there is burrito. Just amazing...

  • António Quizela

    António Quizela


    Calm place, with good service. A good quality menu. An ideal space to eat, relax, chat or even work. It has 3 different areas, namely the terrace at the entrance overlooking the street, where you can access free internet from the public rooter and is the ideal place for smokers, the general area overlooking the TV and sockets for those who like to work with their PC , the private area with cozy benches and sofas for those who want to be more peaceful. Service is good and fast.

  • Márcia Teixeira

    Márcia Teixeira


    Nice place to chill with family

  • Paulo Moscoso

    Paulo Moscoso


    Our usual art... the sweet refinement didn't bring anything new except the name... the external service doesn't always work correctly but the product offering remains very good, which makes it and will continue to be The place of choice for many people for breakfast and beyond. It's been really good since I arrived in beautiful Benguela.

  • Estevão de Carvalho (Nelo Carvalho)

    Estevão de Carvalho (Nelo Carvalho)


    One of the best pastry shops in the city. The best desserts, highly tasty pizzas and delicious cakes The place is welcoming and caters for different budgets and age groups. It is highly recommended.

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Área Administrativa Nível 1

Área Administrativa Nível 2

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