Hotel Fórum em Luanda

AngolaHotel Fórum


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🕗 horário

Travessa Ho Chi Minh, Luanda, Maianga, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 940 904 623
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8380556, Longitude: 13.2344444

comentários 5

  • Ryan Fadhilah Hadi

    Ryan Fadhilah Hadi


    A very enjoyable stay with welcoming staff & delicious foods.

  • Robert Onumonu

    Robert Onumonu


    The hotel is beautiful and there services are wonderful, the food is great 👍

  • Morne Le Roux

    Morne Le Roux


    Hotel and rooms looks nice, however service at reception and restaurant terrible. Be prepared to be made to wait. For international hotel deailing with mainly business people find almost no staff can speak any English. Food average at best, menus only in Portuguese and no waiter can explain in English what it is, so have translater app ready.

  • Tania R. Belmiro

    Tania R. Belmiro


    The services for those who use the room are not good. It make us feel the manager are doing a favour, but on contrary, they charge pretty well for services such as snacks at bar. Very feel attendees when they know a lot of people (my students) want to spend their money on there. The management seems that he doesn’t know the importance of THE CLIENT for the business.

  • MG Newey

    MG Newey


    A very recently revamped hotel and it has just opened. Lovely staff and nice clean rooms. A bit pricy but competitive within the Luanda market place. I wish them well and hope they get awesome support. Centrally situated.

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