Hotel Ilhamar em Luanda

AngolaHotel Ilhamar


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🕗 horário

Avenida Murtala Mohammed, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 938 814 026
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.7881452, Longitude: 13.2299721

comentários 5

  • Olu Olu Coffee Lounge

    Olu Olu Coffee Lounge


    Clean, quiet and good location for the beach. Friendly and helpful staff. I’m here for a long weekend and so far so good.

  • Mickey C Langley

    Mickey C Langley


    Only 1 night, but fantastic staff and service..... will highly recommend the place 👌

  • leo Cardoso

    leo Cardoso


    If you are looking for a place to relax and feel on holiday, there's no better choice.

  • Pooya Ranjbar

    Pooya Ranjbar


    The top roof restaurant has a picturesque view to bay and ocean. In general I like the vibe of restaurant with brand new interior furniture. The staffs are very polite and helpful. The taste of foods was good fur me. Recommend it.

  • nwj BFOX's

    nwj BFOX's


    Tranquil place. Well mannered staffs. Cozy rooftop.. Very nice to spend the night, if you wanted a place to chill and have a good talk.

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