Hotel Residencial RAMIRE-TOUR w Benguela

AngolaHotel Residencial RAMIRE-TOUR



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Baía de Santo Antonio Praia de Santo António, Benguela, Angola
kontakt telefon: +244 933 958 720
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -12.6137863, Longitude: 13.3291164

komentarze 5




    Very good experience. It is urgent that the Administration corrects the location. It's a real problem getting to the place we're going to for the first time.

  • Dawn Elsbree

    Dawn Elsbree


    Beautiful hotel on the ocean. Welcoming staff. It was not a fit for us, we were hoping to be able to go for walks on the beach and use Wifi. Hotel is at the end of a 4km dirt road through a residential neighborhood. Built right on the water, no beach. Nicely designed vérandas for sitting and looking at the water though. Wifi not available in rooms, only in public terrace and still weak there, takes a long time to load a photo. Food options in the area limited to hotel restaurant which is expensive. Breakfast not included and charged at $10 per person, most we have seen in the area so we didn't eat, but I needed coffee. Was charged $5 for instant coffee which seemed exorbitant. The rooms are well done, comfortable bedding and a nice touch to have a room fridge Overall, it was an expensive hotel for us, meant as a break from travel but not including breakfast, the cost of the only restaurant, the poor wifi and the inconvenient location did not work for us.

  • Al-yummy Yummy

    Al-yummy Yummy


    Nice place its very nice food good lunch good room are good hotel staff its good and place clean I am happy with this place its near see water beach

  • Jose Dias

    Jose Dias


    A lovely place at the beach. A small, quiet atmosphere, beautiful view hotel with a lot of confort. Friendly staff and very welcoming always ready to take your order or help you with whatever you need. The food is delicious and prices are also good, cheaper than many other places at the same level. Taking a meal or just a drink or coffee facing a magnificent beach and bay wiew where it is located is tireless. The beach is no the best for bathing but you have nice and beautiful beaches close by. A good place to be with the one you love. I spend my honeymoon there and I will be back, it was wonderful.

  • Luís Jordão

    Luís Jordão


    Despite the delay, I don't want to miss out on an excellent Christmas and New Year's experience, from 2017 to 2019, in this beautiful location. It was me, my daughters and two teachers from EPL Lubango, and I have to say that we could not have been treated better. I'm sure that, if the owners are the same, they will remember us. I can only thank you for everything you did for us and my daughters. Thank you very much. Hugs and kisses to everyone

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