iu Hotel Lubango em Lubango

Angolaiu Hotel Lubango


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🕗 horário

Bairro Comandante Cowboy, Lubango, Angola
contactos telefone: +244 942 062 626
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -14.9340222, Longitude: 13.461609

comentários 5

  • Amália Lagarto

    Amália Lagarto


    good hotel, super perfect rooms and sanitation, calm environment and an excellent breakfast. However, the distance from the busy street to the hotel is somewhat dangerous for tourists who like to walk at night, they should find transportation from the street entrance to the hotel, since walking the street there are many people hidden in the woods. so it was a good experience

  • Pedro Santos

    Pedro Santos


    Very pleasant hotel, devoid of luxuries and exaggerations but extremely practical and comfortable, parking is far away but more than adequate, breakfast is varied and sufficiently composed, the internet is very weak, almost non-existent, the view is quite funny if we are facing forward and not For the mountains, contrary to common sense, the prices are interesting although they are not cheap.

  • Crispim Fragateiro da Costa

    Crispim Fragateiro da Costa


    Good hotel atmosphere. Rooms well maintained, attentive staff, good breakfast, but on this day no hot water in the shower. Boiler broke and the technician was not in town. There are things that cannot happen in a chain of this size.

  • Ana Fernandes

    Ana Fernandes


    Clean room, comfortable beds, hot water. Reasonable breakfast. Good quality/price ratio

  • Jose Vasconcelos

    Jose Vasconcelos


    Excelente hotel, Service, staff and location. Highly Recommend.

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