KFC em Luanda

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

casos confirmados







🕗 horário

22, Rua Luther King, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 941 397 530
website: www.facebook.com
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.81935, Longitude: 13.238728

comentários 5

  • Ashhad Kalam

    Ashhad Kalam


    Unfortunately they do not serve Halal Certified Food .

  • Anil Shanku

    Anil Shanku


    Very decent and good ambience... Good place to hangout for some time 👍

  • Mansangu A. Lutumba

    Mansangu A. Lutumba


    There was a time it was better, but 2 previous times I ate there I ended up feeling sick afterwards. But it's still pretty ok for a lot of people.

  • Ivan Guerra

    Ivan Guerra


    The comfort food and standards you expect at decent prices compared to Angolan restaurants. Nice air conditioning! Che Guevara would turn in his grave knowing there is a KFC on his namesake street!

  • Luís Pedro Cochofel

    Luís Pedro Cochofel


    The American fast food you already know. Not so cheap, although it's ok by Luanda standards. Less variety but the flavor is the same

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