KFC Drive Thru em Luanda

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AngolaKFC Drive Thru



🕗 horário

Estrada da Samba, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 222 350 198
website: www.kfc.com
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8940247, Longitude: 13.1811532

comentários 5

  • Elcio Martinho

    Elcio Martinho


    The food never disappoints but the service takes a while.

  • Cesar Guimaraes

    Cesar Guimaraes


    Fast delivery on drive thru. Food quality OK.

  • Bruno Elias

    Bruno Elias


    I honestly don't understand how it got so bad. First the portions got smaller and prices rose. Then the service got slower. Now there is a constant need to ask customers to upgrade when they don't have the drink that is supposed to come with the food. I am constantly filling in the survey but it seems useless and nothing ever changes.

  • Stenio Antonio

    Stenio Antonio


    Great but they should pay attention and delivery exactly what clients ask for

  • Mungon Abienwi Lord

    Mungon Abienwi Lord


    Excellent at the standard of Angola, I was very impressed. The display of menus as you drive through the order point, are clearly legible and explicit. Placing an order was straight forward and fast. But the collection of order a little slow even though it was not a busy afternoon. It was my first experience in a KFC drive through in Luanda, and my generation experience was good. I didn't expect an efficient display though. I was also impressed with the inbuilt kids play areas. I won't mind to revisit, but will not spend over 1740Kz for a streetwise 2 meal.

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