Restaurante Panela de Barro em Luanda

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AngolaRestaurante Panela de Barro



🕗 horário

Rua Emílio M'Bidi, Luanda, Maianga, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 945 061 243
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.8355239, Longitude: 13.2318992

comentários 5

  • tamdeedaidee



    It a classic simple taverna, love it. Cuca is cheap.

  • Amarachukwu Nwahajioke

    Amarachukwu Nwahajioke


    This is a very good restaurant in my view. The food is very well prepared and there is a lot variety to choose from. I particularly enjoyed the local dishes of Angola. There is also a grill and pizza section.

  • Brian Flinto

    Brian Flinto


    Had a nice lunch there on Wednesday. The price seemed reasonable, but do not have a lot to compare with (only a few days in Angola). Service was excellent. Was happy to see a small part of Angola.

  • Nelson Ferreira

    Nelson Ferreira


    3 stars for the excellent food. Did not give you more stars, because of the price. Charge kz 9000,00 for kg of food is too much. Come on guys!!! Lets review this item, please 🙌!!!

  • Aaron D'souza

    Aaron D'souza


    The food here is served in a buffet style. Anything below 1kg is charged by weight but anything more than 1kg is not more than 9,100Kwanza/per person. The choices were decent ranging from chicken, fish, beef, sausages, vegetables, two types of rice, potatoes sauteed vegetables and Funge. The pizzas are sold a-la-carte style. The seating is simple and nothing fancy and everything is self-service. The staff were very helpful in assisting me, though there was a language barrier (Google Translate came to the rescue!!) I enjoyed the food thoroughly without breaking the bank!! 😅 Food- 3.5/5 Ambience- 2/5 Service-4/5 Overall- 3/5

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