Shoprite Belas em Belas

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AngolaShoprite Belas



🕗 horário

Belas Shopping Centre Plot Ccb2 Luanda-Sul Project Samba, Belas, Angola
contactos telefone: +244 923 849 199
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.9237155, Longitude: 13.1868915

comentários 5

  • Tiago Martins

    Tiago Martins


    Vast selection of products to choose from with reasonable quality, nothing extraordinary but expect plenty of imported products from South Africa as opposed to Portugal (like most other retailers in Luanda). Downside being: it's a foreign retailer, located inside a mall of one of Luanda's most prestigious neighbourhoods therefore their prices are "eye opening" to say the least. Especially their fresh and frozen foods. Though ShopRite is considered one of South Africa's cheapest/low end retailers, in Angola it has become one the most expensive retailers.

  • TEMI O

    TEMI O


    Pleasant staff, they are always happy to help. The shop has a good variety of products. Fresh meals and seafood are also available.

  • Emmanuel Budu Addo

    Emmanuel Budu Addo


    The Google direction to the main entrance is problematic. It seems that gate is not for driving in. This should be corrected to help visitors and foreigners in town.

  • Tash B

    Tash B


    This supermarket offers the best prices amongst all the supermarket brands. You may find better prices for produce and fish in the local markets. However for groceries, beef and even liquor. The pricing is most competitive! Take advantage of the 1 hour free parking coupon when you shop here, as you have to pay to park at Bella Shopping Mall.

  • Ranjith D

    Ranjith D


    One of the best shopping mall of Luanda, with enough parking. Have multiple Bill counters. Can buy all the provisions and meat. Some discount are there presently.

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