Vila Espa Aparthotel em Talatona

AngolaVila Espa Aparthotel


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Av. Pedro Van-Dunem "Loy" Vila Espa, 36X4+XWM, Talatona, Angola
contactos telefone: +244 938 902 892
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.9000463, Longitude: 13.2073027

comentários 5

  • Rafael Menni

    Rafael Menni


    The problem are the mosquitos and cockroachs. I have killed lots of them per day. Bring inseticide, will be very useful!

  • Ranjith D

    Ranjith D


    Very poor service, cleaning happen weakly 2 times only. During cleaning they are not changing the towels, Bedspread. Rooms are getting foul smell. Lots of mosquito and cockroaches. Water problem, Aircon not working properly.

  • Duraisamy Karuppiah

    Duraisamy Karuppiah


    Though the covid chnaged the maintenance schedule from daily to alternative days, is best condominium villa in talatona. Best room. Bed need most of the rooms as the spring gone old. Shower bath best Aircon most of room needs maintenance. There used to mosquito disinfection spray. But I didn't see that during this stay for 4 weeks

  • Lateef Jaiyeola

    Lateef Jaiyeola


    Quite a comfortable living area and rooms are good.

  • Eugene Mogola

    Eugene Mogola


    Showers are broken, fridges not working, drainage hole in bathroom emitting terrible smell, some power sockets work some don't, kettle not working, safe dismantled etc

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