Café Matabicho em Luanda

AngolaCafé Matabicho



🕗 horário

Rua Centro Convenções S8, Luanda, Luanda, AO Angola
contactos telefone: +244 927 398 791
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -8.9184661, Longitude: 13.1855139

comentários 5

  • Tash B

    Tash B


    Kind of hard to find. But a very good place for a coffee.

  • Belarmino Almeida

    Belarmino Almeida


    Nice for a quiet breakfast. The atmosphere is nice and filled with recorss of some of the iconic artist from around the world. The staff is very welcoming and helpfull. I would recommend.

  • Huvenda Silva

    Huvenda Silva


    Great place to eat any type of meals, the staff is very polite and they have a great deal of options for your request..

  • Rohit Khanna

    Rohit Khanna


    You can get chilled beer here. Ambience is good. Parking outside can be a challenge though.

  • Ana Fortes

    Ana Fortes


    Just love this place. Service is fast and food is good but a bit underwhelming at times. Nevertheless, it's worth my while price wise. Toilets are spot clean and prices affordable. An add on is wi-fi for customers. An every day solution. Good one.

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